Conveyor Holdback Clutches
SRV Engineering offers the most complete and versatile selection of Holdbacks in the industry, most with excellent availability and competitive prices.
Holdback Clutches are precision devices which lock the inner and outer races through the wedging action of cams to transmit torque in one direction of rotation and overrun in the opposite direction. Depending upon their application, these units are sometimes referred to as Freewheels, Sprags, Overrunning, Backstop or One Way Clutches.
Manufactured in Japan, Tsubaki Holdbacks have been used by major Australian industrial companies for over 30 years. These companies include Pilbara Iron, Argyle Diamonds, BHP Worsley Alumina & Alcoa
Typical applications include
- Belt conveyors for mining, mineral, metals, timber, pulp, power stations etc
- Bucket elevators for cement, grain etc
- Ventilation fans
- Screw Pumps
SRV Engineering can review your existing holdback application and offer a suitable replacement for those troublesome, obsolete models / brands
Our engineering staff offer an on site inspection service and survey of your holdbacks. Customers have found this helpful as we regularly find holdbacks operating well outside their intended speed / torque ratings. Running holdbacks above their capabilities has the potential to endanger life and equipment.
With the introduction of the dual cam, bearing supported “HS” design and improved lubrication you benefit from extended maintenance periods
New Holdbacks
Models available from 17mm bore integrated into a ball bearing cassette ( #Type 62 ) maximum speed 3500 rpm thru to 450mm bore low speed conveyor applications
In Service
Tsubaki “WHS”” Series in service- Iron Ore Industry.
Workshop Services
Our workshop facility can inspect, repair or replace any brand of holdback. Unfortunately, this unit was beyond repair and was upgraded to a more suitable Tsubaki brand.
An extremely popular holdback is our replacement for the outdated MA Series. The Tsubaki BSWHS series offer grease lubrication, higher torque and overrun speed ratings while retaining the original 45 MA footprint.
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